Welcome to Class 1
Start of term notes:
We are so excited to welcome your child into our class and look forward to the year ahead of us. We hope that your child is looking forward to the new year and aim that each child develops a love of learning and school.
We aim to encourage independence as an essential process of development. Please encourage your child to walk independently, carrying their school belongings, to join the line where they will be welcomed by Miss Smith or Mrs Murray.
Please use your child's reading record as a form of communication such as reading log, or alternative arrangements for pick-up. They will be checked everyday and as such should be in book bags every day.
Please ensure that your child's uniform is clearly labelled. We encourage children to take responsibility for their clothing but will make every effort to reunite your child with their clothing should they lose an item.
Please find further information in our Curriculum letter.
Miss Smith, Mrs Murray and Mrs Dobson