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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

Class 4

Welcome to Class 4 smiley

Spring Term Planning smiley


English Heritage and Temple Guiting School Hailes Abbey Project


The Henry on Tour project is a joint venture with English Heritage, Historic Royal Palaces (HRP) and local schools around the sites Henry VIII visited on his Royal Progress.

The aim is to engage primary and secondary school students with the idea of Henry VIII’s vast court on the move, working in partnership with heritage sites that were stopping off points on the royal progress routes. They want to engage regional students with this fascinating aspect of Henry’s reign and encourage creative engagement with their local heritage sites as well as Hampton Court Palace.

The project will include outreach where students participate in creative workshops with an educator, artist or facilitator. They also have the option to showcase their outputs in an immersive Henry on Tour Tudor Schools Festival at Hampton Court Palace in June 2025. This colourful event is aimed at key stages 2-3 and Special Schools. The Festival will recreate the pageantry, excitement, and awe of a Tudor progress.

Making a Rope Timeline, Sorting Henry VIII Wives and Creating a Shield (Monday 3rd Feb)

Tour of Hailes Abbey, Exploring the Museum and Handling Collection (Tuesday 4th Feb)

Design work based on observational drawings and designing our own heraldry motifs for tile making next term (Wednesday 5th Feb)

2025 Longborough Playground Opera tour of 'The Implausible Potions of Dr Dulcamara’ came to Temple Guiting on the 22nd January.
What it's all about?
The Implausible Potions of Dr Dulcamara, is based on the production of Donizetti’s Elixir of Love that tells the tale of  haughty Adina, loved by shy Nemorino, who's intimidated by the boastful Belcore - all of whom are hoodwinked by the unscrupulous Dr Dulcamarra. Love, longing,  lies and gossip, plus some magic potions and a lot of confusion make this story a brilliant one for children; remarkably not one drop of blood is shed this time! 

Class 3 and 4 enjoyed a singing workshop and then assisted in the actual performance

Orienteering at Sherborne National Trust Park. Very cold but lots of fun! 

Personification Literacy Work

We hope you enjoy some of class 4's Christmas Stories smiley

The Extraordinary Christmas by Flo

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The Capybara Christmas by Lily

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Class 4 had a fantastic trip to the Ashmolean Museum 

Please enjoy some of Class 4 poems inspired by war poets such as Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen

2024 Fashion Show - introducing this seasons 'must have’ waistcoat. Designed and hand stitched by class 4

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Forest School Fun - dipping apples, moon phase mobiles, pellet poking and  conker jewellery smiley

Class 4 thoroughly enjoyed their Egyptian day with Richard

The next stages of our waistcoat project. Very professional do you not think?!wink

The start of our Science topic - earth, sun, moon and our solar system.

Forest School - Making Shadufs and Phases of the Moon Mobiles

Class 4 really enjoyed writing their own twisted fairytale poems. We hope you enjoy them smiley

Straight into our DT project - designing and making waistcoats! wink

First Floorball game of the season - won 2 lost 1 - a great start! smiley

My Magic Box Poems

Arthur C.mp4

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Flo's Poem - My Magic Box

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Class 4 2023 -24

Class 4's SS Great Britain Trip

Class 4 enjoying poking and probing and investigating the workings of an Ox heart!

Having a marvellous time in Forest School - mending, feeding, painting, potting and building!


Leaver Service at Gloucester cathedral 2024. We travelled with Blockley School and enjoyed lunch in the cathedral grounds before the service.

Year 6 did an amazing job at this summer's Dynamo Cricket Competition held at Tewkesbury Cricket ground where they reached the finals and came runners up! smiley

Class 4 had a fantastic day at Cheltenham Municipal Chambers conducting their mock trial. 

Congratulations to Sam and Barney who competed in the county KNEX finals at Wotton Under Edge

We hope you enjoy Class 4's Fairy Tale Newspapers smiley

An amazing visit from the Local Classic Car Club. We had the best time and really appreciated their beautiful cars, their knowledge and also their time! 

Class 4 have been practising their Macro Photography around the school grounds. Some wonderful nature shots I'm sure you will agree!

Class 4, who are preparing for the Mock Trial Competition for Primary Schools to be be held in Cheltenham's magistrates court, enjoyed a visit from a local magistrate to talk about the event and what being a real magistrate was really like.

Inspired by our Science topic - Habitats, we made our own small world versions in Forest School. 

Class 4 have really enjoyed studying 'Tuesday' by David Weisner. The story is fantastical and the pictures are fantastic. Please look at the story and enjoy our take on an outside broadcast from the town of Yawnsville.

Tuesday powerpoint 1.mp4

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On World Book Day Class 3 and 4 welcomed Lizzie Pepper, a local author who has released 2 books in the last year. We enjoyed a book reading and a book signing and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience!

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We had a great visit from David Allen an engineer who is Head of Fleet Services in Scotland and the North West. He was paired with our school by Porterbrook and has been instrumental in perfecting our locomotives and their performance. He also spent time talking to the children about his job, a career in engineering and working as a team to problem solve!

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Class 4 had a visit from Dom the Viking - It was a brilliant day! Thank you to the PTA for their help to pay for it. Please enjoy the photos and recounts from the day smiley

The DT work on our locomotives is picking up speed

And now..... we have some movement!!!!smiley

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Fact Files on Alfred the Great

Using levers and pulleys in Forest School

Art work inspired by our Geography work on mountains and the Great Wave off Kanagawa

Following on from our persuasive writing unit, we have taken on the role of estate agents, to sell the beautiful Hobbit Hole Home nestled in the beautiful Parish of Hobbiton. 

(Commentary begins at 50 secs)


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Arthur M.mp4

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Happy New year from Class 4 smiley Here are a few photos from our new science topic  - Forces - where we were investigating Air Resistance through the making of parachutes with different size canopies, in the freezing cold!!! 

Our Current DT project - Work in progress. Locomotives inspired by our research into Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Following on from research into the Viking Raids on Lindisfarne in AD 793 we took inspiration from a range of primary and secondary sources to write some Poetry

Introducing the 'must have' Christmas Toy - The Hoverbike!! Whose would you choose???

The Hoverbike by Connie

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The Hoverbike by Eliza

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The Hoverbike by Ava

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The Hoverbike by Harry

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Students are provided with an introduction to the exciting world of engineering by using K’Nex to produce a solution for a given problem. A winning team will be chosen from each school based on their ability to work together, solve problems, produce a working model and communicate their ideas to each other and the judge. The team with the best solution will be invited to the Gloucestershire K’Nex final. Typically the session will last for 2 hours starting with and introduction giving the pupils an hour to create their own designs using the K’Nex construction kit. K’Nex is a very adaptable construction kit that allows the pupils to experiment with structures, gears and other mechanisms while modelling their design.

Here is Class 4 in action

'Road to RIAT' -  a STEM 'Glider Challenge'

Class 4's Remembrance Poems

Class 4 was visited by Constable Leah to talk about internet safety

Class 4 have been studying Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' (children's version!). These extracts are based on a video called 'Dracula's Whitby'.

Class 4 Singing Practice with Michael Bochmann MBE

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Practising for our Concert at Northleach Church

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Our Autumn curriculum plan - what we will be studying this term.

We have been studying performance poetry. Here are a few snippets from ones we have written ourselves. The full versions will appear shortly on our YouTube channel. 😃

7 Brothers

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Billy Goats Gruff

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The Apple Eater

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Hansel and Gretel

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H & G

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Class 4 Field Trip to Greystone Nature Reserve and the River Eye

Art work inspired by our River Topic and Claude Monet

Making boats in forest school.

Science Investigation. Which material made the best ear defenders?

Alex, Shayne, Max and Megan

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The Highwayman Musical Composition

Harry, Eliza, Arthur and Rosie

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The Highwayman Musical Composition

Ava, Sam, Ollie, Carmen, Diego and Lewis

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The Highwayman Musical Composition

Annabell, Barney and Connie

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The Highwayman Musical Composition

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If you would like to look at some of the optical illusions created for the science competition they can be found on the Events Galley page.