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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

Class 2

The children have been busy learning about the weather this week and creating their own weather vanes. We will be checking on these and recording the weather next week. They also enjoyed a visit from the police. Fortunately the children weren't under arrest, they were just visiting to teach us how to keep ourselves safe!

Making and setting up our weather vanes

What a great week we have had. The children did so well at sports day! We have been busy working on our talk for writing story ' How The World Was Made', discussing types of plants and animals in different climate and have been using our observation skills to study our froglets turning into frogs. Today we released 7 tiny frogs into our school pond.  It is sad to say goodbye but we know it is the best place for them.

Todays individual spelling tests went well. Your child will have an updated list of spellings sent home on Wednesday. Well done everyone!

The children have used their great observation skills today and noticed some tiny legs growing on the tadpoles. Can you spot them?

What a great start to a new term! The children enjoyed their trip to the Wilson and have impressed us with class discussions about Edward Wilson and his trip to Antarctica. We will be linking this to our theme of 'Weather Around the World' and comparing weather in different countries. The overview for the term is uploaded below.


Over the last few weeks we have been consolidating the Year 1's phonics knowledge and this week we will be completing their Phonics screening test.


As the weather is so great at the moment we will be spending more time outside so please ensure your child has sun tan lotion on and a sun hat. Thank you.

Spellings W/C Tuesday 6th June 2023

To be tested on Monday June 12th 2023


Year 1

  1. join
  2. coin
  3. noise
  4. home
  5. hope
  6. note
  7. smile
  8. like
  9. haul
  10. haunt


Year 2

Have their own individual common exception words in their spelling books.

We have had a great day out at the Wilson museum. The children enjoyed learning about keeping warm in Antarctica, completing a polar adventure game, creating snow googles and imagining they were in a snow blizzard.



Spellings W/C Tuesday 23rd May 2023

To be tested on Tuesday 6th June 2023



Year 1









Year 2

















All spelling are in your child's spelling books including their individual common exception words. 




Spellings W/C Monday 15th May2023

To be tested on Monday 22nd May 2023

Year 1











Year 2









All spelling are in your child's spelling books including their individual common exception words. 

We've had an amazing day at Cotswolds Wildlife Park! We listen to 3 informative talks about African animals and visited Little Africa. We walked around the park visiting all the different enclosures and had a great ride on the train. Finally we enjoyed the Reptile house and Bat aviary.


Still image for this video

Spellings W/C Monday 24th April 2023

To be tested on Tuesday 2nd May 2023

Year 1







Year 2








All spelling are in your child's spelling books including their individual common exception words. 

Lovely to see all the children back today and how excited they are about starting our new topic - Sensational South African Safari!


Below I have uploaded the overview for the term so you have an idea what your child will be learning about. 


Swimming will be starting this Thursday, so if you have not returned your permission then please do so tomorrow or Wednesday lunchtime at the very latest.


Next Thursday we will be enjoying our trip to Cotswolds Wildlife Park where we will have a talk about Safari animals and enjoy visiting all the other animals. Again, if you have not returned your permission slip please do so asap.  


Looking forward to another great term with your children and thank you for your continued support.



Spellings W/C Monday 17th April 2023

To be tested on Monday 24th April 2023

Year 1







Year 2








All spelling are in your child's spelling books including their individual common exception words. 

Surprise delivery of frog spawn!

Spellings W/C Monday 27th March 2023

To be tested on Monday 17th April 2023

Year 1


  1. crew
  2. new
  3. flew
  4. blew
  5. crew
  6. newt

Year 2

  • station
  • nation
  • fiction
  • fraction
  • direction
  • lotion
  • section

All spelling are in your child's spelling books including their individual common exception words. 

We've had a great week looking at signs of spring in Forest school, visiting the Planetarium and  learning about the different properties of materials in Science. In History we have been looking at kings and queens of the past and in Geography we have been studying continents and oceans.  Below are some photos of the stained glass effect artwork that the Year 2's have created.

Spellings W/C Monday 20th March 2023

To be tested on Monday 27th March 2023

Year 1

  1. paid
  2. snail
  3. tail
  4. drain
  5. paint
  6. rain

Year 2

  • careful
  • playful
  • hopeful
  • hopeless
  • badly
  • careless
  • happily



All spelling are in your child's spelling books including their individual common exception words. 

We've had a great week last week and enjoyed lots of different science investigations. From wormeries to colour skittle experiment.

Spellings W/C Monday 13th March 2023

To be tested on Monday 20th March 2023

Year 1








Year 2










All spelling are in your child's spelling books including their individual common exception words. 


This week in Maths Year 1 have been busy learning number bonds to 20 and Year 2 have been practising their measuring skills. We've enjoyed exploring materials in Science and have increased our knowledge of the continents of the world. In PE Miss Sly has been teaching the children the importance of team work and communication. They had to make the PE equipment look like her drawing! Please photos below.

Spellings W/C Monday 27th February 2023

To be tested on 6th March Monday 2023

Year 1

  • care
  • share
  • dare
  • scare
  • square

Year 2


  • want
  • wander
  • watch
  • wasp
  • squash
  • quarrel
  • because

Overview Spring 2

Over the last few weeks class 2 have been finding out about different celebrations around the world. Today we learnt about Diwali, dressed in bright coloured materials and enjoyed eating Ladoos. 

Spellings W/C Monday 13th February 2023

To be tested on 27th February Monday 2023

Year 1

  1. saw
  2. raw
  3. law
  4. straw
  5. dawn
  6. crawl


Year 2


  1. prove
  2. move
  3. should
  4. would
  5. could
  6. most
  7. both
  8. only

Spellings W/C Monday 6th February 2023

To be tested on Monday 13th February 2023

Year 1

  1. tune
  2. rude
  3. huge
  4. brute
  5. use
  6. June


Year 2


  1. pat
  2.  patted
  3. patting
  4. clap
  5. clapped
  6. clapping
  7. running


All snuggly and ready for bed.

On Monday we had a delivery of eggs in Class 2.

On Tuesday a couple started to crack. 

On Wednesday morning we had such a surprise!

Hatching eggs

Spellings W/C Monday 23rd January 2023

To be tested on Monday 30th January 2023

Year 1

  • shine
  • white
  • hide
  • smile
  • like
  • time
  • put
  • there


Year 2

  • key
  • donkey
  • monkey
  • valley
  • chimney
  • honey
  • money



Enjoying examples of food Muslims might eat to celebrate Eid

Spellings W/C Monday 16th January 2023

To be tested on Monday 23rd January 2023


Year 1

  • make
  • cake
  • name
  • same
  • late
  • date




Year 2

  • shine
  • shin
  • hope
  • hoping
  • hoped
  • make
  • making

Spellings W/C Monday 9th January 2023

To be tested on Monday 16 th January 2023


Year 1

  1. join
  2. coin
  3. voice
  4. noise
  5. choice
  6. our
  7. me
  8. were



Year 2

  1. can't
  2. didn’t
  3. hasn’t
  4. it’s
  5. couldn’t
  6. I’ll
  7. they're


Today at Forest School we enjoying den building in teams

Spellings W/C Tuesday 3rd January 2023

To be tested on Monday 9th January 2023


Year 1


  1. toy
  2. boy
  3. joy
  4. enjoy
  5. house
  6. pull
  7. push
  8. full


Year 2


  1. cry
  2. dry
  3. fly
  4. try
  5. reply
  6. why
  7. July




Our new Class 2- What a transformation! Before and after photos.



Happy new year!

I hope you have all had a lovely break and are ready to see what 2023 has in store.We have been busy organising your new classroom in the village hall and we can't wait for you to come and see it. I have attached our Spring Term 1 overview so you can take a look at what we will be learning this term. 


Online Learning - 3rd January 2023

Below I have attached some activities that I would like the children to do on their online learning day (I have provided activities that also require no printing). Please send your child into school with this work (named please) on the 4th January so we can discuss and review their work before filing it.


Year 1 

Year 2

Maths - watch the video on counting within 20 (the children will be familiar with this).

I have provided you with the next worksheet in our white rose scheme of learning, ‘counting within 20’. If you are unable to print the worksheet, please work with your child asking them to find 12 teddies, 15 marbles etc. They can then draw these onto some paper and write the number next to. I have also attached an extension activity for anyone who wants an extra challenge!

Maths - watch the video on recognising equal groups (the children will be familiar with this). There are a couple of worksheet questions on the video for your child to confirm their understanding.

Next complete the worksheet ‘recognise equal groups’. I have also attached an extension activity for anyone who wants an extra challenge! If you do not have access to a printer, please just write the answers on a piece of paper.

Phonics – look back in spelling books and retry spelling any that need improvements from spelling test. Also, recap some common exception words for Year 1. 

Phonics – look back in spelling books and retry spelling any that need improvements from spelling test. Also, recap some common exception words for Year 2. 

English – either using the template or your own paper, ask your child to draw a day from the Christmas break e.g., Christmas Day, a trip out etc. I would like your child to write about this picture and be able to read their work back once in school. Please ensure your child is reminded of the following: 


  • Finger spaces 
  • Capital letter at the start of the sentence and for people’s names 
  • Full stops 
  • Letters on the line 
  • Use of phonics to help spelling

English – either using the template or your own paper, ask your child to draw a day from the Christmas break e.g., Christmas Day, a trip out etc. I would like your child to write about this picture and be able to read their work back once in school. Please ensure your child is reminded of the following: 



  • Finger spaces 
  • Capital letter at the start of the sentence and for people’s names 
  • Full stops 
  • Letters on the line 
  • Use of phonics to help spelling
  • Add some interesting adjectives (descriptive words) into your work

Geography- We are starting our new

topic ‘Food and Celebrations Around the World’. Before the Christmas break, we had a look at how different countries celebrate Christmas. I would like you to choose a country to research and find out the different foods they eat. Please write the name of your country on a piece of paper, then label and draw a picture of the food eaten at Christmas.


Geography- We are starting our new

topic ‘Food and Celebrations Around the World’. Before the Christmas break, we had a look at how different countries celebrate Christmas. I would like you to choose a country to research and find out the different foods they eat. Please write the name of your country on a piece of paper, then label and draw a picture of the food eaten at Christmas.

 Once you have labelled your drawing, please can you write a couple of sentences about the way this country celebrates Christmas.


Spanish numbers 1-20

Watch the video and practise saying the numbers.

Link to video


Spanish numbers 1-20

Watch the video and practise saying the numbers.


Link to video

y1_spring_block_1_ts1_count_within_20 (240p).mp4

Still image for this video

y2_spring_block_2_ts1_recognise_equal_groups (240p).mp4

Still image for this video

Spring Term 1 Overview

Spellings W/C Monday 5th December 2022 

To be tested on Monday 12th December 2022

Year 1

  1. out
  2. shout
  3. loud
  4. mouth
  5. found
  6. school
  7. ask
  8. friend


Year 2

  1. city
  2. site
  3. race
  4. cycle
  5. circle
  6. ice  


Year 2 will also have 3 individual spelling words.


Spellings W/C Monday 28th November 2022 

To be tested on Monday 5th December 2022

Year 1

  1. girl
  2. bird
  3. third
  4. whirl
  5. dirt
  6. twirl
  7. one
  8. once


Year 2

  1. badge
  2. edge
  3. dodge
  4. fudge
  5. bridge
  6. village
  7. huge


Year 2 will also have 3 individual spelling words.





Another week has flown by in class 1. Congratulations to Sophie and Isla for being our stars of the week. In Geography we have been learning about directional language and how to use a compass. We set up a bus in the classroom and practised directional language (left, right, next to, behind, in between, in front of). We also spent some time learning how to use a compass. 

Spellings W/C Monday 21st November 2022 

To be tested on Monday 28th November 2022


Year 1​​​​​​

  1.  air
  2. fair
  3. pair
  4. hair
  5. chair
  6. love
  7. come
  8. some





Year 2

  1. even
  2. great
  3. break
  4. steak
  5. pretty
  6. after
  7. beautiful


Year 2 will also be given 3 individual spelling words.

Spellings W/C Monday 14th November 2022 

To be tested on Monday 21st November 2022


Year 1​​​​​​


  1. corn
  2. thorn
  3. horn
  4. shorts
  5. fork
  6. my
  7. here
  8. where





Year 2

  1. old
  2. cold
  3. gold
  4. hold
  5. told
  6. everybody


Year 2 will also be given 3 individual spelling words.

This week the class explored and recorded local geographic features. We discussed whether they were human features or natural features.

Activities and imagination at Forest school!

Spellings W/C Monday 7th November 2022 

To be tested on Monday 14th November 2022


Year 1​​​​​​


  1. car
  2. harp
  3. farm
  4. start
  5. jar
  6. go
  7. so
  8. by





Year 2



  1. every
  2. Christmas
  3. people
  4. children
  5. pretty
  6. often
  7. through


Year 2 will also be given 3 individual spelling words.




This week we have had great fun finding and learning about different fungi in forest school. We have also been looking at different ways to help our brains remember tricky 'red words' and have been outside practising our number bonds to 10.

Spellings W/C 29th October 2022


Year 1


  • look
  • book
  • shook
  • cook
  • foot
  • be
  • they
  • your



Year 2

  • wild
  • climb
  • most
  • first
  • shirt
  • girl
  • dirt
  • third
  • bird

To be tested on Monday 7th November




I hope everyone is enjoying their half term holiday and finding the time to relax a bit. Below are some photos from our last week at school. The children enjoyed making 'Conker comets' and 'Nature wands' at forest school. They also were amazed with our science experiment, which gave them a hands on experience of the benefits of having an extra layer of fat (blubber), if you are an animal that lives in a cold polar region. They couldn't believe how much warmer their hand was when protected with an extra layer of fat. 


The class has also been sharing a special book called 'The Wolf and the Baby Dragon'. It's a great book for anyone who is worried or just wants to find a happy place. We have spent time laying down and thinking of the things that the spider's magical spell suggests.  If you want to hear it the link is below.





Spellings W/C 17th October 2022


Year 1


  • too
  • zoo
  • mood
  • fool
  • pool
  • we
  • she
  • he


Year 2


  • beautiful
  • here
  • there
  • where
  • love
  • our
  • fair
  • stair
  • hair
  • air



These will be tested on Monday 31st October 2022


Friday 14th October 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


I have such keen mathematicians in my class that some of them have asked for extra homework! We have all been working on our 2 times tables over the last couple of weeks, so I thought that would be a good place to start. This is not a compulsory piece of work, but I have attached a worksheet of the 2 times tables and a copy of the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables if your child wants to do it. Alternatively, your child could practise the 2 times table using the ‘Hit The Button’ game.The link is below. Have a great weekend.



We have had a great week completing our mental health awareness activities and loved our walk up the hill today. The Year 1's have been busy learning their mathematical  symbols for equal to, less than and more than. The Year 2's have been busy learning different ways of partitioning numbers. We have all finished our own stories based on the structure of the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'. I'm sure they would like to tell you all about their own characters and story line.

Mental Health Awareness Activities

Spellings W/C 10th October 2022


Year 1


  • blow
  • snow
  • slow
  • flow
  • glow
  • I
  • you
  • no




Year 2


  • some
  • come
  • here
  • friend
  • school
  • house
  • said
  • light
  • might
  •  tight


These will be tested on Monday 17th October 2022




Maths homework

The children will be receiving their Maths homework books next week. In preparation for this I will be sending home a number formation sheet tomorrow (Thursday 6th October). Please could these be returned with your child's name on them on Monday 10th October. When the books are sent home next week, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about using them with your child. Thank you. 


Spellings W/C 26th September

Year 1


  • high
  • night
  • light
  • bright
  • sight
  • is
  • his
  • has



Year 2


  • to
  • too
  • two
  • knight
  • night
  • there
  • their
  • mind
  • behind
  • child
  •   child



Please practise writing your words at home. The next spelling test is on Monday 10th October.

Wow, another week over. The class has been very busy this week. We have refreshed our memory on the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' story and changed it to a class story about a 'Little Cow'. We have been explorers at forest school, making food and shelters for our journey. We have discovered more about Edward Wilson and logged in independently to our Purple Mash accounts. Please take a look at some of the photos from this week. 

Spellings W/C 26th September

Year 1

  • meet
  • greet
  • queen
  • deep
  • said
  • says
  • are
  • was


Year 2

  • blue
  • blew
  • flower
  • flour
  • whole
  • hole
  • bear
  • because
  • find
  • kind



Please practise writing your words at home. Spelling test on Monday 3rd October.

We have had a great couple of weeks learning about William Morris (in Art) and Edwards Wilson (in History). The class enjoyed exploring artefacts related to Edward Wilson and his 1910-1912 South Pole expedition with Sir Robert Scott. We have also enjoyed re-enacting 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' story in preparation for writing our own versions.


This weeks spellings will be moved to Monday 19th September. They are based on the sound of the week e.g. 'ay' or for year 2 the spelling rules. The children will also have a few common exception words to learn. 


Spellings W/C 12th September

Year 1










Year 2












Your spelling books will come home this week. Please practise writing your words at home.


Autumn Term 1 Overview

Welcome to Class Two!


We have had a great start to the new term and the children are settling in well. On Friday your child was sent home with their new reading books. We spent some time last week assessing the children and setting an appropriate level. If you want to discuss the level your child is on please email me and arrange a convenient time to discuss this. If you have any questions or concerns please also feel free to email me or catch me for a chat after school. 

Your child will be sent home with spellings to practise in a small spellings book. Please send this spelling book back into school every day along with your child's reading books and reading record. We will start doing spelling test on Tuesday 20th September, however normally tests will be on a Monday. 

Last week we started our work in English based around the story book "Ponko and the South Pole". This week we will continue with this theme. In Maths we are learning about place value and in Science we are talking about living creatures. I've uploaded some photos of what we have been up to this week.


Looking forward to another great week with Class Two!

Parents Phonics Handbook

Maths and Science activates week 1

English - Ponko and the South Pole

Happy holidays everyone - what awonderful last term, SATs, OFSTED,, colour run , Snow White and the 7 Jockeys and a swimming pool # Outstanding personal development! See you on September 4th.