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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive


Welcome to our 2023/4 Sporting Events Gallery

We brought a swimming pool onto site and it was amazing!!

Congratulations to the 2024 winners of the Cotswold Floorball B League

Netball Tournament at the Cotswold School in March 

Year 3/4 Gymnastics competition - Bourton on the Water

TG hosted a full day of Rugby with Bourton, Stow, Northleach and Sherbourne. The weather was unusually kind to us and a great day was had by all!!

Cross Country at Northleach. Well done all and especially Ava and Annabelle who came 6th and 8th out of 50 each year group. They have been selected to represent the North Cotswolds at Newent county finals!

Congratulations to both the Girls Floorball Team and the Mixed B Team whom have got through to the Cotswold Finals in April!

Sports Hall Athletics Cotswold School 13th November

Quick Sticks Tournament Cotswold School Oct 16th

Year 3/4 Football Tournament (October 2023)

Year 3/4 Orienteering October 2023

Cross Country at the Cotswold School October 2023

Girls Floorball team

Sports Day 2023

North Cotswold Athletics meet - May 19th 2023 here at TG

Our old year 6's challenged our new year 6's to a football match. 

Despite the weather, we all had the most wonderful time. We need a rematch as after one hour it ended 2-1 to our current year 6's. wink

Tag Rugby for year 3/4 at Stow Rugby Club

Gloucestershire County Cross Country trials - Go Rosie - 2nd place onto the next level now.

2023 Girls Floorball Champions smiley

Happy holidays everyone - what awonderful last term, SATs, OFSTED,, colour run , Snow White and the 7 Jockeys and a swimming pool # Outstanding personal development! See you on September 4th.