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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

Year 5

Lockdown 2021


Fun in Lockdown !

English 22nd February

English 24th February

I have attached a story mountain worksheet, I would like you to create a plan for your story, you don't need to hand this in so don't be afraid to make lots of notes on it, all over it if you like. You can draw your own out you don't have to print.( Your story does not have to have a moral_

Or you can use the planning frame.

 I want you to think about the different stages of your Mystery story, what will happen at each stage. We have talked about this in the class call and what each stage means. Remember to put as much information in each part, they are all equally important and don't rush the ending. This is just a rough plan, not the full story. You can create a comic strip if you prefer but make sure you put plenty of notes and ideas in as well as drawings.

Maths for Wednesday 3rd, Thursday 4th and Friday 5th February.

Hi Year 5,

We are planning to use Teams from now on but just in case there are any technical hitches, I'm going to put Monday's work on here as well as on Teams :)

Monday English

This week we are looking at writing character descriptions, for today's lesson you need to read through this power point carefully. some of the slides ask questions, I would like you to answer them by making notes and we will discuss them when we meet up.

Character description power point

Friday 22nd January

Hi year 5 :)

English, please design another beautiful poster but this time choose your least favourite character from a book, (doesn't have to be the same book you chose last week.)

Think about : why you don't like them, how did the author describe them, are they a believable character, how would you react if you met them in real life? Use lots of amazing adjectives and can you think of any similes  or metaphors which might describe them? Use some quotes from the book too.



Bit of fun! Can you crack the emoji codes? Choose 2 of the sheets to do :)

Hello Year 5

Here is the English for Tuesday 19th, Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st Jan. You can choose which order you want to do them in.

The character work I have seen so far is lovely and it will look wonderful on our class wall, I am so looking forward to seeing the rest!

Mrs K x

A comprehension about Sherlock Holmes' most famous case!

The Apostrophe

This is a link to BBC home learning, there are some short, fun videos and some lovely activities I would like you to do. You can write the sentences for activity 3 out on paper and choose 2 colours, one for possession and one for contraction then highlight where you have used the apostrophe in each way, e.g. highlight all of the possessive apostrophes in pink and all of the ones used in contractions in yellow.

Matching the verb to the subject.

This is revision of some things we have already looked at but as we are going to be writing stories soon then it's a good chance to revise the present and past tenses. Please watch the first video, it's a bit serious but there is lots of information to think about. Then there are 2 fun quizzes and a funny, short video. Activities 3 and 4 are about the past tense and I would like you to have a go at these on paper if you can, especially the Gorilla Monster News report.


Hello Year 5

I am so pleased with everything you have achieved so far, well done.

Here is the maths for Tuesday 19th, Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st.

Please do the skill check on Thursday.

There are short videos and worksheets for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs K x


Wednesday video

Thursday skill check, test 5

HOME LEARNING LEGENDS, look what we have been up to !

English for Monday 18th January.

Today we are thinking about describing and analysing our favourite book characters, why do we like them?

There is a character analysis sheet that I would like you to do. I want you to answer each question in detail and if you can, find examples from the book to support your ideas.

Think about choosing interesting vocabulary to describe your character, to help with this there is also a sheet about adjectives which will be helpful revision. Please do the adjective sheet first and then the character analysis sheet.

Mrs Kxx

English Friday 15th Jan

For your English lesson today I would like you to create a page about your favourite book character. It needs to be a character you know really well and can describe. You need to include details about their appearance and personality. Think about why you like them and include some quotes from the book that tell us something about them, perhaps something funny or interesting that they say. 

This piece of work is going to be displayed in the classroom when we return so please make it look beautiful and bring it into school after Lockdown. I have uploaded one to show you but I am sure you can make yours look even better, include as much information, colour and detail as you can. The way I have arranged mine is just a suggestion, you can arrange yours in any way you want.

Mrs K x

My Favourite Character

Hello Year 5, here is the Maths for Friday 15th and Monday 18th of Jan. Please do Target p38 on Friday and p39 on Monday. I have made a short video which explains the first example on p 38 so you might like to watch this first. Please do A and B or B and C. There is also a White Rose sheet to try after you have done the Target work, you can split this over the two days and don't forget the extra maths and tables that you can do!

Take care

Mrs K xx

Long Multiplication video

Still image for this video
This explains the example given on Target page 38.

Lego Challenge !

Hello Year 5, 

If you would like to come to book club the jitsi code will be TGWedsbookclubyear5.

 It will be every Wednesday at 1.15 pm for 20 minutes.

See you there !

Mrs K x

Extra English Activity. Handwriting and spelling, good practise for everyone!

Hello Year 5. Your topic work can be found on Year 6 class page (-:


Friday 8th January. English, an extra story.

Still image for this video
Here is a short video of me reading a Whodunnit, have a listen and see if you can solve the case!

Thursday 7th January Maths

Wednesday 6th January . English

Happy holidays everyone - what awonderful last term, SATs, OFSTED,, colour run , Snow White and the 7 Jockeys and a swimming pool # Outstanding personal development! See you on September 4th.