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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

Learning, homework, updates, photographs and videos.


Good morning Class 3,

For those who are still working at home, please continue with any work that has been posted onto this page - there should be plenty! We miss you all and can’t wait to see you. Please email me if you need any additional resources, I am happy to send some more over. Fingers crossed to see you soon!
Have a great week,

Miss Mabbett

Week 11 (22.06.2020) - Home Learning

Week 10 (15.06.2020) - Home Learning

More C3 Work!

Myth Writing - Seb

Still image for this video

Home Learning - Sam

Week 9 (08.06.2020) - Home Learning

Beowulf - Week 9 resources

Science - Types of rocks

Your work

Sam - Home Learning

Week 8 (01.06.2020) - Home Learning

Anglo-Saxon Activites

Computing Plan (Scratch)

Art Challenge

Your work!

Maths Homework Book Answers

World Mental Health Week Resources

Anglo-Saxon Work

Step 2 - Artefacts (choose 3)

Fun activity - Anglo-Saxon Runes

Amazing work!!!

Excellent effort Class 3, keep the working coming in. I love seeing what you are all up to at home and by the looks of it, you have been incredibly busy and putting in so much hard work. I am very proud of you all!! :)

Amazing Work!

I have attached some of the work that has been sent in so we can share what we have all been doing as we usually do in class. Take a look at what your classmates have been doing at home :)


I will add some more throughout the week!!

Amazing Work!!

You can do it!

Still image for this video
Just a reminder that although there are so many distractions at home, it is so important to focus to get our school work done to the best of our ability! Keep up the good work Class 3 :)
Additional resources 

Our School Day

Please note that Science will be blocked into a 1 week unit and Art/DT are embedded into our Topic work.

  8.50am - 9am 9am-9.20am 9.20am- 10.30am 10.30am-10.45am 10.45am-11.45am 11.45am-12.15pm 12.15pm - 1.15pm 1.15pm - 1.40pm 1.15 - 3pm 3pm-3.15pm 3.15pm
Monday Registration & World News Whole School Worship English Break English Guided Reading, Spelling & Handwriting Lunch Spelling Tests Topic (cross-curricular) Story time Home time
Tuesday Registration & World News Worship through song PE Break Maths Lunch Guided Reasoning, Spelling & Handwriting

Topic (cross - curricular)

Forest School every fortnight (JW)

Story time Home time
Wednesday Registration & World News Class Worship English Break Maths Guided Reading, Spelling & Handwriting Lunch Reasoning & Problem Solving RE Computing/Spanish Story time Home time
Thursday Registration & World News Open the Book English Break Maths Guided Reading, Spelling & Handwriting Lunch Reasoning & Problem Solving Topic   Story time Home time
Friday Registration & World News Celebration Assembly (every fortnight) PE Break English & Maths Guided Reading, Spelling & Handwriting Lunch Reasoning & Problem Solving PSHE/Music


Story time Home time


Home Learning

All Homework (spelling lists, activity book and maths arithmetic) will be given out on Wednesday to be handed in on Monday. 

There will be a spelling test every Monday so make sure you practice those spellings! 


Reading Challenge

We are trying to get as many children reading as possible. To do so we are setting a reading challenge. For every day your child reads, they will receive a raffle ticket. At the end of each half term, we will be having a draw and there are prizes to be won. Please ensure that reading records are signed and handed in each day so they can be checked. The more reading you do, the more raffle tickets you will earn leaving you with more chance on winning - good luck!!



Multiplication Games

By the end of year 4, children should be confident with their times tables up to 12 x 12. Here are some games so that you can get better with your tables!


Year 4 Times Table checker

As you know we have our times table checker approaching very soon. We have been practicing our times tables ALOT however you can never do too much practice. Maths Factor is a brilliant website for you to practice the times table checker (it is exactly how the test will be laid out next year).

Well done  - you superstars!!


Spelling, Punctuation is very important in KS2. Click on the link below to play some games so that you can improve your SPaG



This half term we are learning all about State of Matter. Here is link for some extra learning to do at home.


We have learnt about the 7 types of nutrients and how important these are in our diet, understanding their role in keeping up fit and healthy and helping us grow. We have also sorted animals based on their skeletons: endoskeleton, exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton. We have now all learnt the scientific names for key bones in the human body and can label them accurately. 



This half term we are learning all about State of Matter. Here is link for some extra learning to do at home.


We have exploring how different substances change state when you heat and cool them. What better way to explore this than melt some chocolate and make some rice crispy chocolate cakes. We realised that when we heat chocolate it turns from a solid to a liquid, then once cooled turns back from a liquid to a solid which holds the rice crispiest together, leaving us with yummy cakes! Take a look at what we’ve been up to in the classroom... we even did the washing up afterwards 🧁




During the Autumn term we have been studying all things ANCIENT GREECE. We have covered lots within this topic, comparing modern and ancient Greece, character descriptions of Medusa, diary writing of a Spartan and clay pot making. 




Class Assemblies

Each half term, in groups we take it in turn to plan and perform an assembly based

on our school value for that half term which is currently TRUST


We show great teamwork, co-operation and communication skills when planning our assemblies, ensuring we tell a story through acting, discussion about how the school values are shown throughout the story and a prayer to close the assembly. 





Take at look at what we’ve been up to...

Ancient Greece Workshop

Open Morning for EYFS - 7th November 9.15 - 10.30 Everyone welcome - tea and coffee available.