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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

Emergency Closure

A fall of snow or some other emergency could result in the school closing overnight without warning.  If you suspect the school may be closed, there are several ways to find out.  This website should have a scrolled message,  there will be bulletins on local radio and  Gloucestershire school and library closures - Gloucestershire County Council will have a list of closed schools.  We will also email you as soon as possible and ask the class reps to put it onto the class Whatsapp groups. We will also send a tweet.


When the school reopens, all these methods will be used to update you.

We will put a message on the scrolling banner on the website and we will place a tweet on our school Twitter feed. We will email out to all parents as soon as we are able to.

Extreme heat risk assessment and advice July 2022

Happy holidays everyone - what awonderful last term, SATs, OFSTED,, colour run , Snow White and the 7 Jockeys and a swimming pool # Outstanding personal development! See you on September 4th.