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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

Values and Ethos

"Everyone to Thrive"

Our Vision Statement


OUR PURPOSE: “At Temple Guiting Church of England School, we welcome everyone and value their uniqueness. Enriching and exciting learning opportunities enable our whole school community to flourish, to be confident & resilient, and develop a lifelong love of learning, exploring and curiosity. We care for each other, ourselves, and our environment.

Together we thrive and learn to live life to the full” John 10,10


Temple Guiting Church of England School is an all inclusive Christian School where we strengthen our relationship with God and with each other.  A Temple Guiting child 'lives life in all its fullness'.


"I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness" (John 10:10)


At our school, we embed 6 core Christian Values at the heart of everything we do. 

These values are:










 Children at our school:



  • Develop their understanding of the 6 core Christian values through the act of daily worship


  • Demonstrate the 6 core Christian values in class and on the playground.


  • Reflect on their understanding and apply this knowledge int heir lives.


  • Lead class worship based around our 6 core Christian values (KS2)


  • Have opportunities to embed our 6 core Christian values at home by engaging with 'home school value' activities 


  • Learn in a safe, stimulating and happy environment


  • Be helped in their learning by well motivated and highly skilled teachers and teaching assistants


  • Have their individual needs recognised, addressed and used as the starting points for their learning


  • Participate in daily acts of worship that help to deepen their understanding of their own individual beliefs


  • Be involved in a wide range of sporting, musical and artistic experiences that help them develop both as individuals and as members of a team


  • Be listened to, especially in the school's decision-making process


  • Have their individual achievements and uniqueness recognised and celebrated


  • Be prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead
Happy holidays everyone - what awonderful last term, SATs, OFSTED,, colour run , Snow White and the 7 Jockeys and a swimming pool # Outstanding personal development! See you on September 4th.