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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

News, photos and updates

Today KS1 and Class 3 have completed a workshop about Poly Block Printing. We have also started exploring the 'Cabinet of Curiosity' which will be set up in the library until Thursday.  Please go to 'Events Galley' to see the photos.

Ramzee visit- Tuesday 18th June

In the net, E-safety play at Stow Primary for year 4 children- Monday 17th June

Graphing - Computing - 14th June, 224

14th June, 2024 - Kenning Poetry

17th May - Writing about our residential

Croft Farm Day 1

We are having some difficulty with a mass upload of photos onto our class page. We will continue to update via WhatsApp and email for those who do not use the app. 

Anglo-Saxon double page spreads

We have been working really hard on the presentation of our work, focusing on  our handwriting when making our double page spreads about the Anglo Saxons.

We were very lucky to have a collection of classic cars come to school and allow us to explore their beautiful cars and ask the owners all sorts of exciting questions. If you were near school, we are sure you would have heard the horns!

Forest School Foraging

Art - tints and shades

Beowulf Freeze Frames

Mía wins the science competition! 21.3.24

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Science Week Workshop 8.3.24

Art - Frottage technique 8.3.24

A glimpse into Spring term in Class 3....

Year 4 Gymnastics Competition 21st February

Please find (below) some helpful resources to use at home

Welcome Back to School,

What will my child be learning about this term? AUTUMN

Greek books

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Greek Books

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We made Greek fact books full of information all about Greek diet, games, homes, clothes and hairstyles. We are proud that they are on display in our classroom but beware... some facts are pretty gruesome!


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We loved taking part in iSing Pop workshops and performing in 2 concerts. The songs helped us to think about our Christian values...

As part of our Ancient Greek work we have found out all about the Ancient Olympics, we have presented our findings as 'double-page spreads'. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed producing them!

Having read the story of Perseus and Medusa we wrote newspaper reports of the event!

Newspaper Reports

Happy holidays everyone - what awonderful last term, SATs, OFSTED,, colour run , Snow White and the 7 Jockeys and a swimming pool # Outstanding personal development! See you on September 4th.