Home Page

Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

Class 1

Super work Class 1!

More great work!

Amazing work!

Welcome back!

Home Learning 30.3

25th March 


Good Morning Class 1,


I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your time at home. Has anyone managed to help make lunch? Or perhaps you've created a mini-beast home in the garden? Let me know what you've been up to, it would be great to see!


Keep up the great work with your parents! Do remember to show them your fantastic sounds and reading every day.


If you (or your parents) have any questions, just ask.


Parents: White Rose Maths are putting up short and simple home learning videos/tasks that are so far great and could be good to make use of.


Stay safe and enjoy.  


Miss Smith

A fabulously muddy forest school - such fun in the rain!

World Book Day! We had lots of fun dressing up as our favourite characters and sharing our love for reading about them with the class!

Nativity 2019

Design and Technology - making and decorating Christmas cookies.

Curriculum Overview

Welcome to our page, we hope you look forward to seeing what we get up to this year!

Welcome to Class 1

Class updates, learning and useful information. 

P.E. is on Tuesday and a Friday. 

Forest School is on a Monday.

Please ensure your child has a coat with them everyday as we will be outside on a regular basis. 

Welcome to the Autumn Term!


Welcome back and I hope you all had a lovely summer break. A special warm welcome goes to our new reception children and families starting at Temple Guiting this term. 


Our topic this term will be about Houses and Homes. We will be learning the story of The Three Pigs, and re-telling it with actions. We will also be exploring the different homes in our community and around the world. 


We will be spending lots of time outdoors and in the Forest School area, doing crafts, making dens, and observing the seasonal changes as we move in to Autumn. 


An outline of what we will be covering in each of the curriculum areas can be found below.




Autumn Term Topic Web

If you would like to look at some of the optical illusions created for the science competition they can be found on the Events Galley page.