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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

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Today KS1 and Class 3 have completed a workshop about Poly Block Printing. We have also started exploring the 'Cabinet of Curiosity' which will be set up in the library until Thursday.  Please see the photos below.

Class 1 and 2

Whole School Trip to Nature in Art

We have had a great day out and and enjoyed every minute!

 We have used our creative skills to model wire sculptures of dragonflies and produce Poly Block print images. We also explored the sculptures around the grounds and visited the Nature in Art museum. Please enjoy the photos below.

Michael Bochmann MBE and Gina Bochmann - Professional musicians visit

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What a privilege to have professional musicians come to give us a 45 minute concert - an absolute treat. Quite a few children have now expressed interest in learning the violin - details to follow!


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Ramzee author visit for Years 2 to 6- Tuesday 18th June

Music performance assembly - May 24th 2024

music assembly May 24th 2024

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WhatsApp Video 2024-06-03 at 16.52.53_dcc8f547.mp4

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Mental Health & Wellbeing and the Growth Mind Set

13th May 2024 - Mental Health Week - Links between physical health and mental health

We have been discussing the importance of physical health and how this can support good mental health. Every child has been set the challenge of completing the 5 activities on their exercise sheet. For each activity completed the children collect a sticker. Class 2 have been busy dancing the conga to collect their dance stickers!


Blessing of our new building 22.3.2024

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Our wonderful Canon Vicar Katrina came to join us this morning and we all thanked God for our new building and Vicar Katrina prayed a blessing over our school, the new buildings and our donors. We all prayed together and then we blessed the building with holy water - using water pistols by Katrina and our worship leaders. What a wonderful start to the day

Bikeability March 24

British Science Week

Today we carried out three science experiments 


Science experiments

Mug drop

Balloon pop

Floating teabag. 


Each had a really interesting aspect of science to them. The children have been asked to work out the science behind the experiment. An email has been sent to parents asking them to help their children research the science behind one experiment. A competition has been set up to see who can come up with the correct scientific theory behind the experiment. A winner will be drawer from the correct entries. Please encourage your child to participate in this activity and enjoy finding things out together. 

Below are videos of the first 2 experiments. The 3rd didn't work so here is a link to what should have happened.


Floating teabag


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Science Day

The whole school has had a great day evolved in science workshops with Diatom Dave from Fun Science Cheltenham.  A good introduction ahead of next week, which is British Science Week. Here are some photos, please as your child about their day.

Children's Mental Health Week

This week the children have completed different activities to help support good mental health. We have discussed the benefits of reading, cooking, listening to music, emerging yourself in art (Class 2) or using your skills to complete activities that would make great hobbies (Class 4 building vehicles). We have shown the children how square breathing and finger breathing. We also looked at communication when trying to build lego from others instructions. They have been given the task of going out into the community and pass on this skill to friends, family, peers at clubs and neighbours. We have set the target of reaching out to 100 people and giving them the a valuable skill to help support their mental health. Please enjoy the photos below.

The 12 days of Christmas

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The 12 days of Christmas - just so much fun.

Key Stage 2 Carol Service - 21.12.23

our choir

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Our amazing music assembly - 15th Decemebr 23

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Music assembly December 23

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ShoeBox Appeal


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Classical Lights Choir

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Mental Health Awareness Day

In assembly today we discussed the importance of looking after our mental health and supporting others to do the same.

The National Anthem for the King’s coronation

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The National Anthem on trumpet by Ted

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'Everyone Loves a Baby' 2022 KS1 Nativity

Harvest Festival -October 7th 2022 at St Mary's church.

Tributes to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Floral tribute for our lovely Queen.

Open the Book Team in Action every Thursday

Please see 'Gallery' for all pictures.

Team 4u Shoeboxes - November 2021. Spreading love and presents at Christmas time

Remembrance Day installation - we will remember them. Nov 2021

Sherlock and Cinders July 2021

Our amazing School play -Sherlock and Cinders - do feel free to share with friends and family. Password Temple1

Sponsored Dance 2021 - Choco latte

Sponsored Dance 2021 - Celebration

Sponsored Dance 2021 - Superman

Sponsored Dance 2021 - Jerusalema

Art installation at St Mary's This is part of the Recycle, reuse, repurpose -what a wonderful world project see details below

Recycle, reuse, repurpose - What a wonderful World! Animal masks made from PPE protective visors Rather than fill landfill with our overstock of visors we decided to use them for an Art installation that celebrates what a wonderful World we live in. Everyone had a mask and then they could create any animal they wanted. The installation will be In St Mary's church over half term do take a look.

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Class 1 procession to the Church.

Design a stamp for Covid Heroes

Remembrance day 2020

Music Assembly Spring 2020


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Advent Reflection day 2019

T4U shoeboxes November 2019

A very busy but wonderful summer term. Take a look at just a few of the things we got up to.

Bristol Zoo trip

Key Stage 1 Sports Festival at Bourton on the Water

Sports day 2018

Summer 2018 Pictures from the Summer Term

Happy holidays everyone - what awonderful last term, SATs, OFSTED,, colour run , Snow White and the 7 Jockeys and a swimming pool # Outstanding personal development! See you on September 4th.