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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

In School Events

Pentecost at Church

Walking through a snow blizzard!

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My Movie

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Music assembly -May 2023. What a fantastic talented range of musicians we have - thank you for the great performance.

God Save the King

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Ted playing the national anthem on the trumpet

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Coronation Street Party - We started with fish and chips, then after a break we had a wonderful street party with strawberries, grapes, amazing cakes and every type of crisps you could imagine! Such a fun few hours.

Easter Bonnet parade - not quite what we planned with the weather but still a lot of fun.

Wear a hat day for Brain tumour research - where did you get that hat?

Easter Experience

Worthy winners of the best 'dressed egg' class competition

Dogs trust - dog safety workshops

The day the Planetarium came to TG

Planetarium - awe and wonder

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 March 2023

To celebrate British Science Week we have been taking part in lots of different science investigations (enquiries) today.


Diatom Dave has given a school assembly and 3 separate workshops around the theme of connections.


How are we able to hear?

The children have learn about sound waves travelling though the air.

The children joined in a Mexican wave with their voices discussing how sound waves get weaker and weaker the further it travels. A bit like a stone making ripples in a pond. 


How can we make the sound from our voices travel further?

You can use your hands around your mouth to channel the sound – like a mega phone. Light travels much further than sound. How can we use light to send messages.

  1. Smoke signals
  2. Beacons – When the beacon is lit it sends a message.
  3. Morse code- means every sailor all over the world can communication in Morse code.

Please enjoy the photos from today which are just below!






Fun in the snow Friday March 10th

World book day 2023 - hot choc, biscuits, fairy lights and story telling

String Quartet Feb 2023

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String Quartet Feb 2023

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String Quartet Feb 2023

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String Quartet Feb 2023

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String Quartet Feb 2023

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String Quartet Feb 2023

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Our old building being destroyed

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Christmas Disco 2022

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Christmas Disco 2022

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Christmas Disco 2022

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Christmas Disco 2022

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Christmas Disco 2022

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Christmas Disco 2022

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Class 1 celebration assembly 9.12.22

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Class 2 celebration assembly 9.12.22

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Class 3 and Class 4 celebration assembly 9.12.22

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Music assembly Friday 5th November - so much musical talent at TG

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A vocal workshop with Pete Woollard (the director of Wicked in the West End) followed by a concert.

Super Choir

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A vocal workshop with Pete Woollard (the director of Wicked in the West End) followed by a concert.

Remembrance Day service November 11th 2022

Happy holidays everyone - what awonderful last term, SATs, OFSTED,, colour run , Snow White and the 7 Jockeys and a swimming pool # Outstanding personal development! See you on September 4th.