Years 1 and 2 exploring a wasps nest 🐝 and creating a huge marble run!
we were given a huge wasps nest to explore that had been sat for five years, dormant. The children loved exploring the layers and textures.
We also dug up some of our potatoes, built a huge marble run and had some wonderful recipes concocted in the kitchen!
Our first week back
We talked about making journeys and going on adventures today. We went on our own adventure around the school and collected some interesting things to attach to our ‘Journey Sticks’. The children then retold their stories around base camp. We think the sticks look amazing!
Nests and Owl Pellets with years R,1 and 2 - 14/06/24
We were very lucky to get to look at some amazing Owl Pellets today that one of our students kindly bought in. We chatted about what we thought they were made up of and what we may find when we break them open. We also looked closely at how two abandoned birds nests were made. The children were fascinated to find a whole skull including the jaw all still intact in the pellets. We had all sorts of guesses as to what creature it could have been from.
Our mud kitchen was turned into a Pizza Hut today as well. The children had lots of beautiful flowers and leaves to use to create some masterpieces. We teased our senses with some beautiful smelling Elderflower, mint, Salvia and different grasses. They also loved using the shaving foam too!
It was a really fun session with some very talented pizza chefs!
Class 3 13/06/24
Swallows and Amazons
Today for Class 3’s forest school we had the theme ‘Swallows and Amazons’. We shared a shortened summary of the book with each other then the children had the task of building their Dens with their friends on the island. Children practiced their fire lighting skills to prove to me that they could survive the chilly nights! It was great fun and there were some fantastic dens made! I am sure they would survive a night or two of the English weather!
Year 6 Egg Hut
The year 6’s are selling the school hens eggs to raise funds for their leavers trip. We were having troubles with birds and a naughty squirrel stealing the eggs! So we made an egg hut to sell the eggs from. They had to use alot of skills to construct the hut including drilling, tacking and measuring. This required great team work and perseverance, which they showed huge amounts of! They are caring for the chickens themselves on a daily basis so really are earning their funds.
Leaf printing
We have been looking at the trees in our Forest School area and learning whether they are Coniferous or Deciduous. Years 3 and 4 also learnt how to find out the age of each tree, by measuring the circumference of the widest part of the trunk and then dividing it by 2.5.
Years reception, 1 and 2 enjoyed printing the leaves of the trees.
Mini Beasts in our Forest School
Over the last few weeks, with classes 1 and 2 we have been looking at what Mini Beasts are in our Forest School area.
We have been searching under rocks, logs and in the trees. We have used books to help us identify what we found and some of us made wonderful creatures of our own!
Class 4 - The completed ‘small worlds’
Thursdsy 14/03/24 Class 4
Today class 4 were making their own miniature gardens/ small worlds. They came up with their own designs individually or in pairs. We used skills like whittling and sawing and we went foraging to find our materials.
Friday 1st March '24
Today reception, year 1 and year 2 were helping clear the vegetable patch and planting some potatoes for in their classrooms. They were also just enjoying being in Forest School!
Class 3 February 29th '24
Lots of fun building obstacle courses today and using imagination to create our own tools.
February Forest School
We have been supporting the RSPB and their Great Garden Birdwatch. We have been observing what birds we have in our own Forest School, making feeders for them and Nesting Stations.
Class 4 Forest School Thursday 1st February
Wonderful wellbeing day - December 15th.
We started the day with a fantastic music concert - so many pupils took part in the recital - please see the videos in the events section. It was such a special start to our day and a huge well done to musicians - you were amazing. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
We all created a peace chain as part of the whole school but also part of the Diocese of Gloucester to spread peace around our area, Diocese, Country and even to the World.
We created buzzers in Class 3 as part of D+T and today we got to design our own cover - we talked about feeling safe and secure.
In Class 4 we focused on our art and took time to create beautiful patterns on our peace chains.
In Class 2 - we created beautiful peace chains and talked all about our hopes for peace in our world. then we did a good clear out of lots of areas in our class - tidy class, tidy mind - everyone is happier.
In Class 1 we did a circle time and shared our thoughts and worries.
Then it was Christmas lunch - what a feast! So much joy and laughter around the tables just chatting and celebrating with friends.
An afternoon treat - we get to watch the dress rehearsal of the Nativity play.
What a brilliant day.
Wellbeing Day 4th November 2023
The theme for Wellbeing Day was to promote happiness by understanding our own feelings. We emphasized the importance of realising 'it's ok, not to be ok'. We all have days that life feels harder. We joined in yoga and learnt about the power of 5. We used our creative skills to paint beautiful poppy displays connecting our own wellbeing with the wellbeing of war veterans.
Fun in Forest School for the First Term Back
During assembly and throughout the day the children discussed the importance of positive mental health. They thought about helping supporting others as well as themselves. They all went home with yellow wrist bands which were to promote a conversation with close family members as well as the wider community.