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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

Everyone to thrive

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

Learning, homework, updates, photographs and videos.

Land Use & Extreme Earth

Our Erupting Volcanoes

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Our Erupting Volcanoes

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Our Erupting Volcanoes

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The Process of making our erupting volcanoes

Our non-chronological reports on volcanoes

Lockdown 2021



W/C 1st March

Check out our fantastic setting descriptions of Pompeii based on the book 'Escape from Pompeii'

Religious Education - here is a mixture of our work over the past few weeks. We have been reflecting on how we can make the world a better place and what it means to have self dicipline.

Topic - The Romans. We have been learning all about the Romans. Areas we have explored are: differences between Roman houses, studying artefacts, explored the role of a Roman soilder and what armour they would have worn. Some of us even made some of our own Roman food using recipies.

Science - over this lockdown, we have been looking at 'Sound'. We have labelled parts of the ear and carried out some of our own investigations at home using the resources around us

W/c 22nd Feb


Week 4 - Home Learning

Week 3 - Home Learning

Week 3 Home Learning Activities

Week 2 - Home Learning


Hey Class 3

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RE Activity 2

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Class 3 Lockdown Work 2021

Tuesday 5th January 2021

Class Timetable











Monday Registration  Assembly English Break Time Maths Guided reading Lunch Time Topic Music
Tuesday Registration  Assembly Maths Break Time PE Guided reading Lunch Time Topic Spanish
Wednesday Registration  Class assembly English Break Time Maths Guided reading Lunch Time Religious Education Topic
Thursday Registration  Open the book English Break Time Maths Guided reading Lunch Time Computing Forest school
Friday Registration  Assembly/ celebration PE Break Time Maths (problem solving) Guided reading Lunch Time PSHE Art


DT and Science are taught in a block



Class 3 have been learning the recorder (notes B,A,G). Use the link below to try out some of the tricker songs . Let me know how you get on and maybe you could even perform a solo to the class. 

Class 3 LOVE reading!!

Our book corner has had a revamp and all of the books have been sorted into alphabetical order (just like you'd find in a library). We are loving this and taking much more pride in our reading.


Take a look at the books Miss Mabbett recommends!

Stay tuned for some of our book reviews

The Romans (Spring Term)

The Romans Knowledge Organiser


Sound and Light (Spring Term)

Our new topic is' Sound and Light' - take a look at the knowledge organisers to see what we will be learning :)


Invertebrate hunting in our spiritual garden (Autumn Term)

Our classification keys for various habitats (Autumn Term)


This term, we have been recapping all of the basics in Spanish such as greetings (asking how someone is/ their age/ their name), numbers to 20, colours and months/days.


Test - why not challenge yourself on the vocabulary we have learnt so far 


Rainforests (Autumn Term)

This term we are looking at rainforests. We will be looking at where in the world we can find tropical rainforests, the climate, animals and plants that live in the rainforests, deforestation and lots more. Stay tuned to see our fantastic work!


Half term project (Autumn Term)

Rainforest weather reports (Autumn Term)

Class 3 have been studying countries in which you can find a tropical rainforest. We have looked at the weather and climate in these countries and what makes them a great place to find a tropical rainforest. Take a look at our weather reports - we had so much fun making them!!



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Additional homework resources 


If you would like to look at some of the optical illusions created for the science competition they can be found on the Events Galley page.