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Temple Guiting

Church of England School

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Guiting Manor Farm -Science on the farm day. June 2022

Folly Farm day 3 - bushcraft


After waking, packing, changing our beds and breakfast, we sat down and looked at the badger cam to see if anything was captured. We were so lucky, the badgers and foxes were out to play last night and we have been able to gather some amazing footage.


We then walked into the woods, collected dry sticks for kindling and headed to the bushcraft area where we built the ultimate dens. We had to make sure they were waterproof and large enough to fit our group in. We tested them out by pouring water over them to see if we got wet.


After this, we headed to the fire circle for lunch which was followed by toasting marshmallows for smores and lighting our own fires using flint and steel. It was then time to head back to the base to collect our luggage and head home. We have a brilliant time at Folly Farm!!



Folly farm day 2


Today we woke up, showered and got ourselves ready for the day. We had the most delicious breakfast and made our own packed lunches. Anna was our tutor today and we began the morning by planning out our wildlife films, choosing a theme, clips we wanted to film and who was going to do what. 


We headed to the pond area to capture some mini beasts so that we could film them. Today wasn’t quite so warm therefore we didn’t catch the same insects as yesterday but that didn’t matter, we caught some newts again which was fun. 


After filming, we went back inside to eat our lunch which was followed by a run around in the fields. Our next step was to get our scripts written so that we knew what to say when we did our voice overs. After uploading and editing our own mini clips, a whole class wildlife video was ready to watch this evening. 


Dinner was roast chicken and Eton mess. Quick walk into the woods to set up badger cam then it was time to watch our film. Room inspection. Biscuits, hot choc and story before bedtime. Final day tomorrow involving bushcraft!! 

Folly farm day 1 – Introduction to wildlife filming


After loading up the coach with all of our bags, the children took an exciting journey down to Bristol to visit Folly Farm. We were greeted by our tutors, Lucy and Tony, got our day bags ready and began our journey into the beautiful woodland to do our first ‘recce’ of the day. The sun was shining and we saw some interesting plants such as wild garlic. We chatted about types of mini beasts we would find in the woodland habitat and discussed different ways to categorise animals such as carnivores, omnivores etc. Children were put into groups to explore the woodland and see which types of mini beast we could find before identifying them. This was followed by lunch in the middle of the woodland.


We headed back to base at Folly Farm and began chatting about a contrasting habitat, ‘freshwater habitat’. This would be our second ‘recce’ to see what kinds of mini beasts we could find in preparation of our wildlife filming on day 2. We found all sorts of interesting creatures and even managed to capture some newts.


After a run around in the orchard, children were introduced to the kit they would be using over the next few days such as the cameras and different types of tripods. Lucy taught us about different film shots and how they are used in films to make it educational, entertaining and emotive.


Children have had some times to settle in their rooms, lay out their sleeping bags and chill out before dinner. Our dinner was delicious, we had spag Bol and garlic bread, choc brownie and ice cream for pudding which was delicious.


After dinner we went for a walk into the woodland and saw wild horses, a fox, deer, many types of bird, rabbits and we were so lucky to have seen a badger (apparently it has been ages since they last saw one at Folly). We headed back for hot choc, biscuits and story before bed time.


We are thoroughly looking forward to tomorrow!!!

Guiting Manor Farm visit year 3/4 July 2021

If you would like to look at some of the optical illusions created for the science competition they can be found on the Events Galley page.