Class 2 September 2024
Welcome back everyone! It has been really lovely watching the children enjoying being with their friends again this week. They have all done so well settling in. Everyone has helped and supported each other to find their way around the new classroom set up. We have measured all the children this week so that at the end of the year we have a record of how much they have grown physically, as well as seeing them develop socially, emotionally and educationally.
Please find below the Autumn Term Overview- How to be a Great Explorer! This will provide you with information about the topics we will be covering this term.
Looking forward to a great year with your children! Please do contact me if you have any questions.
Mrs Rainbow
End of Year September 2023-July 2024
Today KS1 and Class 3 have completed a workshop about Poly Block Printing. We have also started exploring the 'Cabinet of Curiosity' which will be set up in the library until Thursday. Please go to 'Events Galley' to see the photos.
Nature in Art
A great day was had at Nature in Art. Please go to the Events Gallery to see more photos from the day.
Today in Science we have been investigating a range of different materials and playing various games to teach us how to describe their properties to our friends.
Welcome back to Summer 2 and our last half term before the Summer holidays. We have had a great week and really enjoyed programming our class mates in computing this week.
Photos below.
Please find attached Termly Overview for topic 'Beside the Seaside'. The children are really excited and need to learn their address so they can send postcards home. Does your child know how to write their own address? Please see if you can teach them this at home and we will support them to write it at school.
Dear Parents,
We have had a great half term and are really excited about our upcoming new topic ‘Beside the Seaside’.
We have had a lovely time research Punch and Judy shows and designing characters for puppets. The children have enjoyed this so much they want to take them home to show you. Some children want to add extra detail at home. Please can these be returned to school at the beginning of next term.
I have sent home the children’s Maths books and additional fraction work. Please can this be completed over half term. Please continue to discuss and quiz your child on time as this is a great way to ensure the knowledge is retained. Last week I send home an updated common exception list of words. Please help your child to practise the words which are not highlighted. I hope you all have a lovely half term and if you do go to the seaside we would love to see any photos you take.
Mrs Rainbow
After researching a Punch and Judy show, the children have been hard at work designing and making puppets. These are being prepared for our 'Beside the Seaside' Topic next term.
Mental Health Week
We have been discussing the importance of physical health and how this can support good mental health. Every child has been set the challenge of completing the 5 activities on their exercise sheet. For each activity completed the children collect a sticker. Class 2 have been busy dancing the conga to collect their dance stickers!
Class 2 have been learning about travel and transport though the years. We have looked at transport from Seden chairs to modern day vehicles. We were very luck to have a visit from The Cotswolds Classic Car Club. They parked 9 amazing cars on our play ground and spent the morning discussing each vehicle. The children used their investigating skills and the knowledge they have learnt to try and put the cars in chronological order.
Last week we had a great time creating under water habitats and discussing the food chain with pray and predators. This week we have made micro habitats for animals who live all around the world. We discuss how animals have young and that they don't always look the same as the adult. We were also very luck to have duckling visitors into our class room. This tied in nicely with looking at the development stages of a chick from embryo to hatching. Please enjoy the photos below.
Wednesday 24th April 2024
This week I will not be sending home the maths booklets. I would like both year groups to spend some time looking at clocks and beginning to tell the time. The Year 1's have not covered this yet so please can you look at the clock image that has been sent home and discuss it. Please also throughout the next few weeks keep looking at the time at home and discuss what the time is and how you how it? The Year 1's are expected to know on the hour and the half hour as part of the national curriculum. Year 2 will need to recap on the hour and the half hour. They also need to count in 5's to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes and know quarter past and quarter to. Thank you for your help with this. It is really useful for children to keep practising this skill at home as it also gives them a purpose for the work.
Class 2 have had a great day out learning about Victorian Seasides and comparing to our modern seaside holidays. Lots of learning and loads of fun! Please see more photos in the events gallery.
This week in Spanish we have been practising a familiar story in Spanish. Please watch the video below.
Welcome back and welcome to our new topic of 'Travel and Journeys'. We will be investigating famous travellers and looking at transport through time. Please find attached Summer term 1 overview so you can see what your children will be learning about this term.
This week in Maths Y1 will be covering place value 1-50 and Y2 will be looking at statistics. This week in English we will be refreshing our knowledge of exclamation marks and question marks. We will ask questions about a book before reading it and then write our own exciting endings to the story.
Additional to your child's maths homework we will be sending home comprehension actives and phonics activities. If you require any further information about the homework, which will be sent home on Wednesday, please do not hesitate to get in contact.
End of Spring Term
It was lovely to finish school with a celebration of the new building, it felt like a fitting finish to a busy term.
The children have had an enjoyable and productive term and we really valued all the positive feedback and suggestions we received at Parents Evening. We were asked for more information on handwriting at Parents Evening, so I have uploaded a Little Wandle letter formation document for everyone and a power point with the cursive letter formation for the Year 2's. The only letter which differs in Temple Guiting to this standard letter formation PowerPoint is the letter K. We have chosen to mirror the Little Wandle Letter formation of K to ensure we adhere to the scheme. Example cursive writing is below
We have spent this term completing a DT project on wheels and axles. below are some photos of the project.
And finally we had to say goodbye to our wonderful student Mrs Perry. She has been helpful beyond belief and we wish her all the best for her final placements. Good luck Mrs Perry!
Today Years 1 and 2 have been sequencing and performing their own 8 beat composition.
We have enjoyed World Book Day and had a Science workshop this week. We are really excited about for British Science Week, next week.
We have had a great week working on our measuring skills and have made Chinese pinch pots.
Next week we will be starting our Mass and Volume units in maths and continuing with our rhyming poems in English
Last week the children enjoyed a 'wow' moment when they finally got to dance in their dragon costume! Over the last few weeks we have made a traditional Chinese pudding, played traditional Chinese games and created paintings and crafts with a Chinese theme. (photos to follow!)
This week we have started our measurement unit in Maths and have been looking at rhyming poems in English. In history we have started to research Amelia Earhart and also used her journey to show off our Geography knowledge of continents and oceans.
The year 2 children have been sent home with spellings this week. Please can these be practised along side the common exception words in the back of their reading records. I will not be setting a formal test for the new spellings but will be looking to see if the children spell them correctly in their work. Please come and discuss this with me if you need more information.
Mrs Rainbow
Purple Mash log in and next week
I am sending home Purple Mash log ins as a reminder that the children have access this and the activities on it when they are at home. I have set a 2Do task. The children know where to find these but if they have any problems then please write in their reading record what the problem was and I will address it at school.
To access Purple Mash you need to go to
Choose the child button
Then select Temple Guiting school
Then use the individual login details.
The children really enjoy exploring Purple Mash and can access whenever they like.
Next week the Year 1's will start their maths unit on Place value within 20 and the Year 2's are finishing their Shape unit.
Both year groups are writing stories which have been innovated from the original story of Chinese New Year. I have attached the original story here for you to look at.
Hope you have a lovely weekend everybody.
Happy new year everyone!
Welcome to our new term and our new topic 'China'. Please find attached the Termly overview which is for you to share with your children. This document allows you to have an overview of what we are covering at school. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.
We have started the term with a splash of colour! Today we have been busy making Chinese lantern and the children have enjoy the new arrival of a Chinese monster called 'Year' who sometimes goes by the name of Nian. After looking at at images today the children have written descriptions for Nian and it is clear that we need to add more to him decoration to him. Watch this space for more photos!!
We are looking at description and conjunctions this week. I have uploaded an extra activity here for anyone keen to earn extra dojos.
Since returning to school in September the class has been observing seasonal changes, We would like to now collect data on sunset and sunrise. I will be sending home on Monday a data collection chart. Please encourage your child to write down the times for sunset and sunrise on the chart every day for a week. A copy is also attached here. Thank you for your help.
We have had a great time practising our nativity this week and are remembering the songs and actions. Please can we ask that children practise their lines at home. These were sent home in their reading packs. The children enjoyed the panto this week and were talking about it all day on Friday.
In Maths we are finishing our subtraction and addition units. To consolidation this I have added some activities for the children to do at home. The Year 2 children are using their knowledge of 2-digit numbers (tens and ones) to make subtraction and addition easier. Please remind them to add or subtract the ones together first, then the 10's . e.g. 21 + 34 = ? ( 1 + 4 = 5, then 2 + 3 = 5, add a zero as it's in the tens column = 50, then add the two answers together, 50 + 5 = 55). This technique will help the children as the sums they complete get harder.
Great to see so many of you at parents evening last week. It was really great to have such positive and supportive conversations. We now have the new phonics scheme up and running and the Year 2 have moved onto the Little Wandle spelling scheme. The children are enjoying the lessons and engaging in activities.
This week in maths both year groups are working on subtraction and our next unit will be shape. Please come take a look at the worksheets and activities loaded here to help pre-teach or consolidation the children's understanding.
In English the Year 1's are concentrating on making sentences with the conjunction 'and'. The Year 2 are being more adventurous with 'and, so, but, or and because.
A highlighted sheet with common exception words will be sent home this week (in the back of your reading record). I will highlight the words your child spells correctly whilst writing. Please take a look at these and support your child to learn to spell them. Just a couple of words at a time. Thank you.
I have added worksheets to the website today. These are for any children who would like to consolidate their learning or perhaps need a little confidence boost before starting a new Maths or English sequence of learning. Please let me know what you think of the extra activities and if there is anything else that would be helpful to put on the website.
Wednesday 8th November 2023
It's been really great seeing the children so engaged in their learning this week. So far with have spent time learning more about the different features of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fish and birds. We have discussed the different places they live and which animals we have as pets. We are really looking forward to our 'Bring a Pet to School' event which we are trying to organise for next week Thank you to those parents who have already contacted me. We are busy assessing children this week for our change of phonics system and have some exciting new books which we will start sending home next week.
I have up loaded the half term overview for you to look at to see what we are learning in class 2. I have had a lot of requests for ways to support your children with their learning so have made the decision to upload activities onto this page. Theses are not compulsory, but with so many keen beans in class, I thought it would be a good way to pre-teach or to consolidated understanding. These activities do not have to be printed off or returned to school but if you do undertake any of them then please write a message in your child's reading record so we can reward them with some dojos. This week in maths the Year 1's are just finish their addition work and beginning to work on subtraction. The Year 2's are using their number bonds to 10 to make adding easier!
Tuesday 17th October 2023
Today Isla found a letter in the classroom asking us to find out the best place to build a castle. The letter was from William the Conqueror and dated 1066! We will be writing back to William to give him ideas for the best place to put his castle.
Friday the 13th October 2023
We have had a good week finishing off our place value units in Maths. The Y1 enjoyed the challenge of putting the dragons fire out. They had to get all the numbers in order (see photo below). Y2 worked on sequencing numbers 1-100! Both year groups have worked really hard. Year 2 worked really hard on writing a recount of our trip to Warwick Castle and Year 1 have created great sentences about dragons and castles, making sure they used capital letters.
Warwick Castle Trip
What a great day we have had at Warwick Castle! We were greeted by knights on horse back and have climbed to the top of Guy's Tower. We have learnt so much about the castle. Here are some photos that I'm sure the children will enjoy telling you all about.
I will be updating the class pages with information and highlights from each week. So please keep checking the page, the children love discussing what they have been doing at school.
As the children are all in different spelling groups, if for any reason your child doesn't know what their spellings are, please can you contact me. They are given out on a Monday and should be in their spelling books.
Mrs Rainbow
Welcome back everyone!
What an amazing first day in our new building. We have spent the day getting to know the new classroom and our new class members. It's been lovely seeing everyone so happy being back together. I have introduced this terms topic which is Knights and Castles. We are planning to visit Warwick Castle in October and more information will be sent out soon about this trip. Please see attached Termly Overview to give you more information about the work we will be completing this term. Spellings will be sent home in spelling books but I will also post them on this class page. If you have any questions then please come and talk to me or send me an email. I'm looking forward to a great year with to lots of laughs and learning with the children.
Mrs Rainbow